The Women’s Code was created to empower and support women in their personal and professional lives for the unique challenges women face.

What is The Women’s Code?

The Women’s Code is a comprehensive system designed to empower and support women in their personal and professional lives. It provides a framework for understanding and navigating the unique challenges women face, offering strategies for success and fulfillment.

We are certified! WBEC, WOSB, CPU, SBE

Many visionaries and creatives cannot conform within the narrow confinement of other peoples standards. Quantum leaps happen only outside the status quo because that is how innovation works. We proudly support our diverse and extraordinary clients by providing them with the strategies, systems and encouragement to push established boundaries.

Beate Chelette

The Growth Architect and Founder of The Women's Code

As Seen On


Here’s a quick overview of what The Women’s Code entails:

  1. Self-Awareness: The Women’s Code emphasizes the importance of self-awareness as the foundation for personal growth. It encourages women to explore their strengths, values, and passions, helping them gain clarity about their goals and aspirations.
  2. Balance and Well-being: Recognizing the demands women often face in juggling multiple roles, The Women’s Code promotes a holistic approach to well-being. It addresses physical, mental, and emotional health, encouraging self-care practices and setting boundaries to maintain balance and prevent burnout.
  3. Communication and Relationships: Effective communication is a key component of success in personal and professional relationships. The Women’s Code provides insights into effective communication styles and strategies, fostering healthy connections, assertiveness, and collaboration.
  4. Leadership and Empowerment: The Women’s Code recognizes and celebrates women’s unique leadership qualities. It offers tools and resources to help women develop leadership skills, assert their influence, and create positive change in their environments.
  5. Career Development: Navigating the professional world can present specific challenges for women. The Women’s Code addresses career development, including topics such as negotiation, overcoming barriers, building networks, and finding fulfillment in the workplace.
  6. Community and Support: The Women’s Code emphasizes the power of community and the value of connecting with other women. It encourages building supportive networks, mentorship, and collaboration, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.
  7. Purpose and Legacy: Finding purpose and leaving a positive impact is a central theme in The Women’s Code. It encourages women to identify their values, passions, and unique contributions, empowering them to live a fulfilling life and leave a lasting legacy.

By following The Women’s Code, women can unlock their full potential, navigate challenges with confidence, and create a meaningful and successful life on their own terms. To find out how The Women’s Code can help you to advance your business please contact us.


THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU…for your time, efforts, and positive energy. Based upon what your students said about you, you are a Rock Star on the educational level!
Gary L. Polk, Sr. M.S., Interim Executive Director Innovation Incubator

Adjunct Professor of Business Management, Ethics & Entrepreneurship, California State University Dominguez Hills

I was in the audience at your presentation yesterday on the ROI of Balanced Leadership. I am one of the most senior women in the engineering org at my company and have really starting feeling both a sense of duty and urgency to bring about change…Thanks for the inspiration. I’m leaving this conference even more optimistic than I was before.
Adrienne S.

Sr. Director of Business Systems, Cornerstone On Demand

I was very moved by the presentation of The Women’s Code and look forward to promoting this gender equalizing and leadership balancing system to my own company and others.

Dave F.

Manager Supplier Diversity, Chevron

Get Beate’s Book “Happy Woman Happy World”

Get your copy of Beate’s award winning and acclaimed book, Happy Woman Happy World.


This is an amazing book, a guide and a handbook for every woman who wants health, happiness, love, success and a fulfilling career.

Brian Tracy

Bestselling Author - Create Your Own Future

Who Is Beate Chelette?

Beate Chelette is the Growth Architect and the founder of The Women’s Code, and a passionate advocate for women’s empowerment. She is recognized for her vast contribution to women’s leadership development and providing visionary women leaders with pragmatic strategies, blueprints, and tangible tools to enhance their leadership skills and multiply their impact.

Starting from $135,000 in debt as a single mother, she transformed her passion for photography into a successful global business, eventually selling it in a multimillion-dollar deal to Bill Gates. Today, her strategies have assisted clients in generating over $30 million in revenue.

Author of the #1 International Award-Winning Amazon Bestseller “Happy Woman Happy World – How to Go from Overwhelmed to Awesome,” Beate’s work is a roadmap for every woman striving for health, success, and a fulfilling career. Recognized as “One of 50 Must-Follow Women Entrepreneurs” by HuffPost and one of the “Top 100 Global Thought Leaders” by PeopleHum, she’s a charismatic force, inspiring women globally.

Today, Chelette continues to empower women, sharing her story of resilience, helping them find their path to personal and professional success. She embodies the belief that every woman can rewrite her story, just as she rewrote hers.


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