Today I want to share something close to my heart—something that combines both spirituality and strategy. Often, these two concepts seem like they don’t belong in the same room. Spirituality feels abstract, while strategy is all about logical, step-by-step execution. But what if we could blend the two? What if we could create a business that not only thrives but also aligns with our deeper purpose?


Finding Your ‘Why’

As business owners, many of us want more than just success. Sure, we want to make money, afford vacations, and show up strong for our families, but it has to mean something more. This is why I call my upcoming business intensive, “Unleash Your Inner Architect: Building a Business that Resonates with Your Soul.” The goal is to help you discover your ‘why’—the driving force behind what you do—and then align that with a business model that feeds your soul.


Your ‘why’ determines your ‘what’ and ‘how.’ Too often, I see entrepreneurs looking outside for solutions that don’t fit their business or personal goals. Instead of creating a strategy that works for their lives, they buy tactics—tools, funnels, software—hoping that something will click. But these are just pieces of the puzzle. Without a clear understanding of your ‘why,’ you’re building on shaky ground.


The Unconscious Barriers Holding You Back

What many of us don’t realize is that some of the barriers we face aren’t even our own doing. They could be inherited from our parents, passed down through generations, or rooted in childhood experiences. For example, during a recent event, I spoke with a participant who had carried the weight of his parents’ criticism since he was five years old. Just by bringing awareness to it, he was able to find joy and relief in under an hour.

These unconscious barriers often create what I call the entrepreneurial roller coaster—an endless loop where you work hard, get busy, and then experience a dip before scrambling back to the top. This pattern can leave you feeling stuck, but it doesn’t have to be this way. By identifying and addressing these hidden challenges, you can break free and create a more sustainable and fulfilling path to success.


The Inner Architect: Blending Spirituality with Strategy

The concept of the “Inner Architect” combines spirituality and strategy. Learn to understand the core principles you want to live by and build a business model that aligns with those values. The external strategies—the tactics, funnels, and tools—are how you execute the plan. What matters is that these strategies resonate with who you are and what you want to achieve.


For example, if you’re a parent who needs to leave work by 4:45 PM to pick up your kids, your business model has to reflect that.


Overcoming the Trap of Tactics

One of the biggest mistakes I see is business owners relying solely on tactics without a clear strategy. You buy the latest software or attend a course, hoping it will be the magic bullet. But these are just tools—they’re not the business model itself. A great IT consultant will tell you to figure out what you need before purchasing software. The same principle applies to your business: understand your ‘why’ first and then we build a business model around it.


If you keep buying tactics, you’ll always be scrambling, adjusting your business to fit the tool instead of the other way around.


Embracing the Journey

I want to help you get to a place where you can enjoy the “here” moments while working toward your “there.” In my life, a pivotal “here” moment happened during a family dinner. As I held a sleeping baby, my granddaughter and watched her lips shiver I looked up and saw my daughter, her husband, friends, my husband, his daughter and her husband, all laughing and having a good time and realized that this was my ‘there.’ The hard work, the strategic decisions—this is what I did it for.


I want you to have more of those moments without sacrificing everything else along the way. That’s why I’ve designed my upcoming business intensive to help you discover your ‘why,’ remove unconscious barriers, and build a business that resonates with your soul.


Let’s grow!


Beate Chelette is The Growth Architect & Founder of The Women’s Code, a training company specialized in providing companies an ROI on Balanced Leadership. She has been named one of 50 must-follow women entrepreneurs by the Huffington Post. A first-generation immigrant who found herself $135,000 in debt as a single parent, she bootstrapped her passion for photography into a highly successful global business and eventually sold it to Bill Gates in a multimillion-dollar deal.


Beate works with business leaders and supports organizations by developing and providing training the training, tools, and expertise to create and maintain a balanced, equal, and inclusive work environment that fosters creativity, employee engagement, and corporate growth.


Recent clients include Merck, Women’s Legislative Caucus of California, Cal State University Dominguez Hills, Small Business Development Centers (SBDC), NFTE, CreativeLive, the Association of Corporate Growth, and TracyLocke.


Beate is the author of the #1 International Amazon Bestseller “Happy Woman Happy World – How to Go From Overwhelmed to Awesome” a book that corporate trainer and best-selling author Brian Tracy calls “a handbook for every woman who wants health, success and a fulfilling career.


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