by Beate Chelette | Dec 29, 2020 | Change, Growth Architecture, Self Improvement, Work Life Balance
Well, we made it. We survived 2020, and I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty proud of us. There were days (weeks/months) when I wasn’t so sure, but we did it. Way to go us! This time of year is all about setting resolutions. Maybe you’ve already resolved to fix some...
by Beate Chelette | Dec 18, 2020 | Change, Self Improvement, Transformation
Have you ever noticed how good things keep happening to some people while others seem to always attract negativity? The secret may lie in their mindsets… You see, whatever goes on in your mind is what you’ll attract in your life. So if you’re one of those people who...
by Beate Chelette | Oct 8, 2020 | Change, Self Improvement, Transformation, Women and Success, Women's Code, Women's Issues, Work Life Balance
Getting Help For Working Moms The pandemic has affected all sectors of the population, but one particularly hard-hit group is the working moms, who are now facing difficult choices about how best to care for their kids while still bringing in enough money to support...
by BalanceGirl | Sep 29, 2020 | Change, Equality
Having White Privilege doesn’t make you a bad person…but denying Black Americans’ world view might. As a white woman and the mother of a mixed-race daughter, the first thing I accept about my viewpoint is it is skewed. I have white privilege. I can never know what...
by BalanceGirl | Sep 30, 2019 | Career, Career/Success, Change, Women and Leadership, Women and Success, Women's Choices, Women's Code, Women's Issues
While some companies are making positive changes, it often feels that we are all still pretty ‘stuck’. Women represent a 51% majority of our society but why does it still feel like such an uphill battle to simple equality at work? In this video, I am sharing what I...
by BalanceGirl | Dec 20, 2018 | Balanced Leadership, Career, Change, Corporate America, Equality, Leadership, Training & Leadership, Women and Leadership, Women and Success, Women In Business, Women's Code, Women's Issues
When Nike supported Kaepernik, many thought it was a ballsy move. I think it was a diversion from the real issue that plagued the company — that is, the gender discrimination lawsuit lurking in the background. Yes, gender discrimination. At Nike. Why Are Women Treated...