How to Get Everything Done to Be More Productive

How to Get Everything Done to Be More Productive

  Narrow Your Focus The most important step you can take toward increasing your productivity actually occurs before the work for the day begins. Being productive starts with having a “self” planning meeting for you to determine the single most important task that...
How to Hire More Diverse Candidates

How to Hire More Diverse Candidates

  If I were to ask you which sector of the workforce most effectively achieves diversity in the workplace, you might assume that government jobs would most likely live up to this standard. Unfortunately, data indicates that is not the case. An article published...
Motivating Your Organization: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Motivating Your Organization: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  One of the most impactful practices you can engage in when motivating your staff to reach their full potential is taking the time to understand how to meet different types of needs. When you know the needs of the people in your organization, you can ensure you...
Self Confidence and The Female Entrepreneur – Are YOU Good Enough?

Self Confidence and The Female Entrepreneur – Are YOU Good Enough?

  Am I good enough? I can’t do that. I don’t know how… I’m never going to make it… Ever been plagued by these thoughts before? Then you’re not alone! Many millennials, and women in particular, struggle with a crippling lack of self-confidence. I suspect I don’t...
3 Tips To Boost Your Confidence And Career

3 Tips To Boost Your Confidence And Career

  Does the thought of speaking in front of others or being called on in a group make you break out in a cold sweat and leave you speechless? If so, this is a true sign that you lack confidence–a critical skill to building your success. When asked to speak,...

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