by Beate Chelette | Jul 6, 2014 | Change, Discover, Women and Success, Women's Choices
You’ll probably recognize this conundrum. You may have been doing it for years. It goes something like this… You stay in a job, a relationship, the same fitness routine and diet for years and years and eventually realize your habits are not serving you any longer. The...
by Beate Chelette | Jun 24, 2014 | Creating A Sisterhood, Discover, Women's Choices, Women's Code
What is the right response when we find ourselves listening to “Critical Kathy” vent about all the things she didn’t like about what we did, and what was wrong with a job, event or program that we were involved with? I am on the advisory board of a women’s...
by Beate Chelette | Jun 3, 2014 | Bill Gates, Discover, Women's Choices, Work Life Balance
Work-life balance is something I have been writing about for years. As a single mom, immigrant, and entrepreneur, I am no stranger to the day-to-day struggles many of you face. Putting in the hours to build a business, raising my daughter unassisted, earning enough...
by Beate Chelette | May 13, 2014 | Career/Success, Change, Transformation, Women's Choices, Work Life Balance
Life is hard. Everything worthwhile is hard. It takes a lot of hard work to be successful in business, or to have a great relationship; and in business it’s hard to stay ahead of all the rapid development that technological advancements bring. Most of us are...
by Beate Chelette | May 6, 2014 | Business, Career/Success, Women's Choices
As you may already know, I am a big supporter of the California Women’s Conference and their mission to give women a voice and a platform to share their message. I’d like to invite you to the BIGGEST business party California has ever seen. Join Arianna Huffington,...
by Beate Chelette | Apr 23, 2014 | Business, Career, Career/Success, Women's Choices, Work Life Balance
For the last six years, much of my day-to-day work has focused on helping entrepreneurs get their ideas out of their heads and onto paper so they can turn those ideas into their dream businesses. I’ve learned quite a few things about the personality traits that we...