by Beate Chelette | Jul 1, 2015 | Discover, Women's Code
What a week for the United States! Confederate flags came down and same-sex marriage was legalized in every state. I am thrilled about it now, but I have a shameful confession to make. In my professional career working in the creative arts, I interacted with many...
by Beate Chelette | Jun 18, 2015 | Business, Transformation, Women and Success, Women's Choices, Women's Code
Have you wondered about that question lately? Maybe it was after your latest performance review which left you wondering if this career is worth it. Or during a job for a demanding client who kept making changes and you felt you weren’t paid enough to put up...
by Beate Chelette | Jun 3, 2015 | Business, Career/Success, Women and Success, Women In Business, Women's Code
When women experience inequality we get frustrated, even outright angry. If our desires and voices are ignored, we may lash out and create a scene. And when given an opportunity to fix what we see is wrong with the world, we implement new ideas and hope they stick. I...
by Beate Chelette | May 19, 2015 | Discover, Women and Success, Women's Choices, Women's Code
I was asked this provocative question during the past weekend, and it is something I find wickedly interesting to explore. If I were to ask you what pleasure is to you, would you have to think about it before giving me an answer? Could you tell me how you measure...
by Beate Chelette | May 14, 2015 | Business, Family & Friends, Women's Code, Work Life Balance
In my last article I wrote about the five reasons I often encounter when my clients dig deep into what is holding them back from achieving their goals. We refer to this as lack of confidence in our own abilities and fear of success. The reasons as to why we feel that...
by Beate Chelette | Apr 29, 2015 | Discover, Transformation, Women and Success, Women's Code, Work Life Balance
Women’s intuition is a source of great power. The magic comes when we awaken it and trust its guidance in our lives. By why do we call it women’s intuition? Do women naturally have more intuition than men? Or is our culture just more supportive of women...