by Beate Chelette | Mar 25, 2015 | Family & Friends, Women's Code, Work Life Balance
She lied right to your face, he didn’t take responsibility for the screw-up at work, and the project manager blames everyone else when she’s the one who can’t seem to, well… manage. If only people weren’t so unreliable! Or, as I now like to call it—messy....
by Beate Chelette | Mar 4, 2015 | Women's Choices, Women's Code, Work Life Balance
I had a lively discussion last night with two friends from middle school in Nuremberg, Germany. One is married with a teenager at home and the other is divorced with two kids. They each told me the same story that I have heard literally all over the world. Sabine said...
by Beate Chelette | Feb 25, 2015 | Business, Women and Success, Women In Business, Women's Code
Gender equality. Oh boy, it sure gets people going. Have women already made enough progress? Is it enough that women hold 2% of board and CEO positions, or should we keep pushing forward until we get to 50%? And why are we only focusing on women, shouldn’t we focus on...
by Beate Chelette | Feb 18, 2015 | Business, Career/Success, Women In Business, Women's Code
I am happy to report a successful launch of my corporate initiative, How Acting Like a Girl is Good for Business: 7 Profit Secrets of Gender-Diverse Corporations! Meaningful conversations have already started with CEO’s, C-Level Executives, and HR departments who are...
by Beate Chelette | Feb 12, 2015 | Business, Career/Success, Women In Business, Women's Code
The vendor was disastrous. Deadlines missed, calls not returned, work incomplete, programming sloppy, and worst of all—he didn’t even bother to watch the screen-casts I recorded of the problems he needed to fix! I discovered how lackadaisical his approach was during a...
by Beate Chelette | Feb 5, 2015 | Business, Career/Success, Women and Success, Women In Business, Women's Code
Dear Brilliant Woman, There’s a shocking new study on women and money, in the workplace: According to AAUW, women will get paid equally as the men (who do the same jobs as you)… (are you sitting down?) …in just another 124 years. That’s right women, we’re “just”...