The different meanings of rhythm demonstrate that the concept of ego-RHYTHM™ comes quite naturally.

There is rhythm all around us and we all follow our own rhythm. Perhaps you’ve been told that you march to your own drummer. This is what it’s all about. The durations of ego-RHYTHMs™ fluctuate between three and 10 years, with most occurring approximately every three to five years.

During the defining years, which I consider the ages from 25-45, my test group shows a shorter rhythm, whereas the 45-year-olds and above seem to have longer rhythms. This gradual lengthening of our personal rhythm over time has a lot to do with us getting settled, getting smarter and becoming more at ease with life and with the world around us. We learn, over time, that having it all at once means learning how to manage everything side by side. Age plays into it, especially as we gain the wisdom over time that assures us that everything does happen for a reason, and that in the end we’re going to make it out okay.

Each ego-RHYTHM™ duration will most likely remain about the same from around your mid-20s to about age 40. By the time you’ve turned 40, my research shows that the duration of your rhythm will lengthen. Life just does not move as fast when you get older. And, you have most likely already visited many of the major rhythms by the time you’ve reached your 40s.

Whether your rhythms are two years, three years, four years or five years are not important. What we are looking to identify here is a time span that is fairly well defined, an average that we can begin to work with, so that we can define and predict the duration of each rhythm. Since everything depends on your own specific life, circumstances, and maturity level, your own particular rhythms can be adjusted a few years up or down. Your own rhythms will be influenced by both internal and external circumstances

Before I decided to share the concept of ego-RHYTHM™, I performed a test study. During this test the group of women age 50 and above had a more difficult time clearly defining the durations of their ego-RHYTHM™.

This is due to several factors. When children are younger, you may notice that they influence virtually every minute of every day. This leaves you, and your life, in a constant state of change. When children are older and have left home, one of the main elements of constant change is eliminated from your daily routine. You are now living a life that you choose, whereas as a parent you do what you have to and what fits your set of values. Your life can be viewed as more under your own control rather than subject to the chaos of youth, and the many frequent changes you inevitably made when you were young.

Have you noticed in your own life the duration of an egoRHYTHM™ lengthening, or shortening, or even that you’re unable to identify which one you’re in? Let me know. I’d love to hear from you. Each of your experiences helps us all. Thanks for sharing!


Image by Michael Albany Photography

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