Who waits until circumstances completely favor his undertaking, will never accomplish anything.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

A very powerful tool for getting what you want is a mood board or a vision board. It’s also a way of seeing where you need help and, by its visual clues, a reminder that it’s all right to seek it.

For people who are highly visual, this method works exceptionally well. You are literally visualizing your dreams. This is how it works: Take a poster board or cork tiles and stick them onto a wall. This could be above your desk, in your living room, or bedroom. What’s important is that you glue or stick pages or pictures of things that you want on the board. You may also stick notes or quotes onto it.

This is your own individual way of giving visual detail to your personal want-it-all list. It’s how you visualize and fine-tune what you want even something as simple as the style of home you desire, what your dream mate looks like, or written affirmations that strike a chord with you.

On my own vision board, I have a health note that says, “No more IBS.” I also have pictures of people I want to meet, including Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright, and Marianne Williamson. (And, of course a picture of Oprah and me.) I also printed out The New York Times bestseller list and put the hardcover and paperback editions of my coming book, Women Who Want It All (which will be drawn form these posts), at the number one spot. I have two magazine tear-outs of engagement rings that I just love, and another cutout with the word “Play.”

Here are a few additional ideas that can help you get into a positive mindset. One is a gratitude list. To start a gratitude list, you write down all the things that you are grateful for. This exercise helps you focus your attention on the things in your life that are positive. At times, when I get upset about what is going on in my relationship, and I am at a point at which I am unhappy and discouraged, I write down all the positive traits of my partner to remind myself why I’m with him and what I like about him. I make a point to be detailed and write down as many good attributes as possible, such as his smile, his sense of humor, his success, and his devotion to his kids. A gratitude list works well in all the areas of your life such as your kids, family, and even your job.

Another method that successful people use is to enlist the help of a coach or consultant. Some people also participate in what are called mastermind groups. Every athlete, every sports team has a coach. And like any person, or group of people, working toward a goal, you find the areas of your personal or professional life that you want to improve, and then get the help you need to make that happen. Coaches and consultants do require you to make an investment, both financial and personal.

A mastermind group is a group of people who are like-minded, and who want to invest their time and energy in improving certain areas of their lives. To start a mastermind group, simply ask business associates if they might be interested in joining or forming such a group. At meetings, each person explains his or her situation and the other masterminds make suggestions on how to improve the speaker’s life or business. Each member of the group takes turns listing the aspects of his/her life or business that he/she needs help with.

Do you already have a vision board? If so, let me know a few of the things you have on it. I’d love to hear what your visions are. If you don’t have one, I’d also like to hear about that – and why. Even your reluctance to use something as helpful as a vision board is interesting to me. That’s because I’m interested in your path, and your process is our progress. Thanks so much for sharing.


Image by Michael Albany Photography

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