Blog Category Business

Blog – Category Business

When Being A Narcissist Is A Good Thing

When Being A Narcissist Is A Good Thing

When my daughter was little, she used to yell, “look at me, look at me” for practically everything she did. Standing on one foot, jumping in the pool, she wanted me to look every few seconds and take note of her amazing accomplishments. I was reminded of that human...

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What Makes A Successful Website?

What Makes A Successful Website?

Last month a business owner called me to inquire about my coaching services. I took a look at his company website and immediately saw a problem. His visual presentation was a mess, disorganized and confusing with a variety of links to other sites and it was difficult...

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Are You Ready For Your Own Success?

Are You Ready For Your Own Success?

I have seen it happen to many of my coaching clients. They work hard, put in the hours, follow their business plan and then their business grows. Sometimes almost too fast and they are not prepared for their own success. Who would have imagined? You’ve heard the...

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How Clearly Defined Goals Lead To Success

How Clearly Defined Goals Lead To Success

One of the best arguments I know for setting goals could be an ad for a Global Positioning System (or GPS). Unless you know where you want to go, you can’t figure out a way to get there. It’s true for all aspects of our lives, personal, family and career. Even so,...

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How To Get It All Done

How To Get It All Done

Lately, I have gotten so busy that I find myself in dire need of scheduling absolutely everything. Between coaching, interviews, consulting and being the mom of an aspiring and talented young woman, I once again feel everything pulling on me at once. I know I’m not...

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Turn Your Great Business Ideas Into Reality

Turn Your Great Business Ideas Into Reality

Isn’t it the truth that we have these great ideas but somehow they get lost in the shuffle? As time goes by, these great ideas wane from our consciousness and soon they are forgotten. But let’s look a little deeper into how you can actualize those ideas. The Nike...

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How To Create An Effective Marketing Plan

How To Create An Effective Marketing Plan

As a career coach, the most commonly asked questions I get are: what is the effectiveness of marketing, should I do more and how do I measure the success of my campaigns? Marketing is an important aspect for any business. Dan Kennedy, one of the most recognized and...

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Why Setting Goals Is So Important

We usually think of the New Year as the time to set goals and figure out what we want to achieve. But right now is a good time to check in on those goals and determine if they’re realistic and attainable. Of course there are the obvious ones: you want to be happy,...

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How Good Habits Will Improve Your Success

Have you ever caught yourself doing something that doesn’t really work, but then you still do it over and over again? I know I have. In our personal and business lives we sometimes find ourselves stuck with ineffective habits—even when we know better. Other times we...

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How To Tweak Your Thinking

Thoughts are powerful. They create feelings and take form in our lives in ways we like and don’t like. One of the aspects of my business is that I pay very close attention to my way of thinking. Since I first read the book “The Power of Positive Thinking” in my 20s, I...

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Find The Magic Again in What You Do

The road traveled can be a tough one. We all go through some pretty heaving things during our lives that can derail us. It’s happened to me several times, and no matter what is going wrong, if I can remember, even for a second, that life is made up of rhythms or...

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CASH is the Essential Four-Letter Word

It’s easy to find people who will critique your business and tell you how to run it. But no one actually explains the hard part: how to make money. I know many women entrepreneurs who, like me, tend to focus on the creative side of business, with a thousand new ideas...

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