by BalanceGirl | Jul 7, 2018 | Balanced Leadership, Building a Community, Business, Career, Career/Success, Communication, Creating A Sisterhood, Discover, Leadership, Self Improvement, Social Networking, Training & Leadership, Women and Leadership, Women and Success, Women In Business
What makes now different than any other moment in history is that for the first time, women understand we are all somehow connected. Big business, entertainment in Hollywood, technology in Silicon Valley, and finance on Wall Street—women have discovered the key to...
by BalanceGirl | Jun 23, 2018 | Balanced Leadership, Building a Community, Communication, Equality, Women and Leadership, Women and Success, Women In Business, Women's Choices, Women's Code, Women's Issues
Another podcast interview and another pointed comment. My male host, Pablo, asked if men need to be worried when they hear the future is female. Well, of course NOT! What’s important to understand is the difference between the lip service and what is actually...
by BalanceGirl | Jun 18, 2018 | Balanced Leadership, Business, Career, Equality, Leadership, Training & Leadership, Women and Leadership, Women and Success, Women In Business, Women's Code
Why are guys so angry over feminism? Why get all mad when women ask for equal rights? Some men seem to feel that women keep asking for more and more concessions. They feel like they keep giving us stuff but we’re never happy. All we want is equality What these men...
by BalanceGirl | Jun 6, 2018 | Balanced Leadership, Career, Career/Success, Leadership, Training & Leadership, Women and Leadership, Women and Success, Women In Business
Women can display the characteristics of a courageous leader just as much as men. Leadership qualities SHOULD include male and female attributes. Although men and women can have tendencies towards different traits, the traits each gender display are not set in stone....
by BalanceGirl | May 21, 2018 | Balanced Leadership, Career, Career/Success, Leadership, Training & Leadership, Women and Leadership, Women and Success, Women In Business
Do you have what it takes to be an excellent woman leader? People sometimes get confused about the attributes of a woman leader because women are conditioned from birth to be agreeable and self-effacing, to never put ourselves forward. This is one of the biggest...
by BalanceGirl | Apr 29, 2018 | Balanced Leadership, Business, Career, Communication, Women and Leadership, Women and Success, Women In Business, Women's Code
Have you ever wondered exactly how to get an invitation to business meetings with powerful men? The ‘bro culture’ can be pretty tight in some industries. It’s a network of ‘old boys’ that can make it hard to get your foot in the door if you’re a newbie—and almost...