by BalanceGirl | Aug 12, 2018 | Career, Relationships, Self Improvement, Women's Code, Work Life Balance
Doesn’t everyone need some tips that will help us strike the balance between work and family life? Sure, when you’re young and single, without children to take care of, finding the time and energy for everything you want and need to do is simple and easy. As your life...
by BalanceGirl | May 12, 2018 | Family & Friends, Self Improvement, Women's Code, Women's Issues, Work Life Balance
Here’s a personal bit that perhaps you can relate to. Day after day, we slay dragons in our businesses. We make hard decisions of who stays and who goes, who gets the job, and who holds our trust. But at the end of the day, we are supposed to shift into relationship...
by BalanceGirl | Jul 23, 2017 | Balanced Leadership, Career/Success, Leadership, Self Improvement, Women's Code, Work Life Balance
Our Amazon Bestseller campaign for Happy Woman Happy World started on July 12th. We watched as the rankings went up and Up and UP. By midday we achieved #1 Bestseller status in two countries and we added a couple more countries by the end of the day. As nothing ever...
by Beate Chelette | Jun 8, 2017 | Change, Transformation, Women's Code, Work Life Balance
Sometimes we hit a bump in the road. And after our initial reaction our internal voice suggest ever so slightly: “It’s you – not them.” Lately I’ve been dealing with… well… life. My daughter is moving which causes me sleepless nights and a lot of worry. I thought that...
by Beate Chelette | Dec 3, 2015 | Building a Community, Women and Success, Women's Code, Work Life Balance
I would like your input on happiness because it is something that affects each one of us. Between twiddling thumbs, playing hours of video games, and binge watching TV… OR putting in long hours at the office, constantly checking emails, and feverishly hacking...
by Beate Chelette | Sep 16, 2015 | Equality, Single Parenting, Women In Business, Women's Code, Work Life Balance
Take a deep breath. That is what I kept telling myself after my last post, which was titled “How To Avoid Saying The Wrong Thing… To Women.” I may as well have called it “How To Say The Wrong Thing To Men” because before I knew it, I was in the midst of a volatile...