Blog – Category Equality
The Google Guy Went Nuts—But He Has A Point
It’s been all over the news. Read how I think this Google Guy went nuts but still managed to establish his point on equality, diversity, and inclusion.
Equality Is Not A Belief, It’s An Action
Yes, you read that right! Equality is not a belief, it’s an action. Most of us know it’s the right thing to do, but why is it so difficult to get there?
How Lack of Equality Contributes to Declining Employee Engagement
The numbers are in. The current rates of equality, diversity, and inclusion are reasons why there is declining employee engagement. What can we do then?
Too Bad You’re Smart and Beautiful – You Could Have Been a Great Leader
Whether you like her or not, Hillary Clinton is definitely a leader. Poised, in control, smiling, and quick on her feet. I was grinning ear to ear throughout the Democratic debate thinking, "You go, girl!" And on the other side of the spectrum Carly Fiorina was doing...
Is This All You’ve Got?
It recently dawned on me that throughout history—and especially in exciting Hollywood movies—solutions rarely come from the wise old men. Usually it’s a dashingly handsome and unruly young man or woman. (The disrupter.) Disrupters are necessary to shake up established...
Why Men are Fed Up with Feminism
This post is for men. I know you are tired. I can tell you are fed up with constant discussions around what women want. I hear you saying, "What else could women possibly want that they don’t already have?" Women can vote and go to college, we have the same rights as...
Men Versus Women – Who Is Better?
Take a deep breath. That is what I kept telling myself after my last post, which was titled “How To Avoid Saying The Wrong Thing… To Women.” I may as well have called it “How To Say The Wrong Thing To Men” because before I knew it, I was in the midst of a volatile...