by BalanceGirl | Nov 20, 2017 | Balanced Leadership, Career, Career/Success, Leadership, Women and Leadership, Women's Code
Good leadership qualities should be applicable to both men and women. But when women lead like men they are called demanding and difficult, or worse. Obviously, there is a difference in the way men and women lead. The Numbers Says It All In my Insights Paper I share...
by BalanceGirl | Nov 7, 2017 | Balanced Leadership, Equality, Leadership, Women and Leadership, Women and Success, Women's Code, Women's Issues
The movement of women speaking up and speaking out is only getting louder. Your organization is missing out if you are not actively engaging in the most important conversation we are having right now. Women are rising I’ve covered it extensively and I see a lot of...
by BalanceGirl | Oct 4, 2017 | Balanced Leadership, Career, Communication, Leadership, Women and Leadership, Women and Success, Women In Business, Women's Code
A few weeks ago, I returned from WBENC West. It’s an annual conference attended by approximately 500 women, most of whom are Supplier Diversity professionals. Attending events like this always reminds me of one thing: YOU ARE POWERFUL. It’s not always easy...
by BalanceGirl | Oct 4, 2017 | Balanced Leadership, Communication, Leadership, Women and Success
The simple question on whether to watch the news or not can get us all worked up. Is it better to know, or to live in blissful ignorance? And even if you make it through the news hour, can you also endure the volatile and extreme opinions that follow right after? The...
by BalanceGirl | Sep 27, 2017 | Balanced Leadership, Leadership, Self Improvement, Training & Leadership, Women and Leadership
I have lots of ideas, and not all of them hit the mark. Luckily, I have thick skin and a laser focus on my mission: to shape women leadership. When I reach my eternal resting place, I want one thing to be known about my contributions… “She was instrumental...
by BalanceGirl | Aug 15, 2017 | Balanced Leadership, Business, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Equality, Leadership, Relationships, Women's Issues
It’s been all over the news. The Google engineer who got so fed up after a diversity training session that he published an extensive manifesto. Two of his conclusions, amongst many, are that women on average do not have as high IQ are more prone to anxiety than men,...