Blog – Category Business
Why Being Assertive For Women In Business Is Important
Taking a stand as a woman is always hard. We live in a culture where assertiveness of women is frowned upon and talked about in so many negative ways. Learn more why is assertiveness important for women in business and how this can translate to real success.
The Power of Our Voices
Women today understand that we’re all somehow connected, that we have the key to achieving more: the power of our voices. We all have to motivate, get up, get out, and start speaking up so we can become the trailblazers that will make the change.
Why are guys so angry over feminism?
Why are guys so angry about feminism? What is so wrong about asking for equal rights. I’m saying this over and over again… we’re very far from the numbers of achieving the true meaning of equality.
The Cinderella Rule: Best Tip for Businesswomen
The ‘bro culture’ can be pretty tight in some industries. As a woman, it can be pretty hard to get your foot in the door. Learn how you can use the Cinderella Rule – one of my best tip for businesswomen to get ahead of their careers.
How To Find And Hire Women
What women want is simple and logical, and the data supports that women are good for business. Still, it appears that many organizations are challenged with figuring out how to find and hire women.
Women Empowerment For Femigrants
Be part of this inspiring evening of networking and discussions happening on March 22nd in San Francisco, CA. Join the conversation on women empowerment with female immigrant entrepreneurs and women professionals.
Fake Men Can Be Helpful
This is a story of a fictional man whose persona was created for a singular purpose. Here’s how creating fake men can be helpful when running your business.
Can Achievement Be Broken Down Into Steps?
This is the question that I’ll be answering live in an interview with fellow Femigrants tomorrow, August 18th, at 5:30 pm via Facebook live. See you then!
The Google Guy Went Nuts—But He Has A Point
It’s been all over the news. Read how I think this Google Guy went nuts but still managed to establish his point on equality, diversity, and inclusion.
The Power of Femigrants
Femigrants is a movement for female immigrants who strives to achieve the American dream. Join us on August 18th for an interview – live from Facebook HQ!
Equality Is Not A Belief, It’s An Action
Yes, you read that right! Equality is not a belief, it’s an action. Most of us know it’s the right thing to do, but why is it so difficult to get there?
How Lack of Equality Contributes to Declining Employee Engagement
The numbers are in. The current rates of equality, diversity, and inclusion are reasons why there is declining employee engagement. What can we do then?
Shhh… There Is A Surprise For You Waiting on July 12th
It’s time to get your summer reading list together and I want you to add Happy Woman Happy World at the top. To make this decision a no-brainer, I am giving you the book for only 99 cents! But, this price is available for ONE DAY ONLY, on July 12th. Happy Woman Happy...
Sit Down, Be Quiet!
Is This Unconscious or Conscious Bias? Susan Chira’s article certainly hit a nerve. The Universal Phenomenon of Men Interrupting Women concludes that “academic studies and countless anecdotes make it clear that being interrupted, talked over, shut down or penalized...
Is This All You’ve Got?
It recently dawned on me that throughout history—and especially in exciting Hollywood movies—solutions rarely come from the wise old men. Usually it’s a dashingly handsome and unruly young man or woman. (The disrupter.) Disrupters are necessary to shake up established...
Burnout: Are You Over-Complicating Your Life?
It finally dawned on me. My life is too complicated. Is this burnout? Have you, too, fallen into the trap of not being able to think or do “simple” anymore?
Beyond Corporate Transparency– Can I Trust YOU?
It’s Wednesday and I am sitting with a private client for her VIP Day and we're reviewing her business idea. We establish the verbiage, the USP, client profiles, and finally we arrive at designing how her personal story fits into her business. Why? Because the story...
This is The New Leadership Balance
The Women’s Code was designed to help define the specific attributes that women bring to leadership roles. It also promotes many tools to help us find better work-life balances, so we can establish and balance the new leadership direction. What is this new leadership...