Blog – Category Equality
The Benefits Of Paid Parental Leave: Why We Should Offer Maternity And Paternity Leave In The US
The US is in last place compared to other Western countries because, as a nation, we have yet to recognize the wide-spread benefits of paid parental leave.
What Constitutes Wage Discrimination? Understanding the “Same Job, Different Pay” Scenario
Wage parity is not a 1:1 game. Compensation criteria vary from tenure, direct reports, and responsibility and of course, eradicate actual wage discrimination wherever it exists. The real question to answer however is this: Is the compensation fair?
How Building Workplace Equality Affects The Male Culture Of Entitlement At Work
Are workplaces still equal? With all the advances women have made towards building workplace equality, some men have been complaining that women get all the attention. Read more about it here.
My Big Announcement on Working for Gender Equality
I’m proud to be working with one of the leading organizations working for gender equality and committed to addressing gender issues in the workplace. Learn more about it here.
Why Are Women Treated Differently?
When Nike supported Kaepernik, many thought it was a ballsy move. I think it was a diversion from the real issue that plagued the company — that is, the gender discrimination lawsuit lurking in the background. Learn more about this in the blog.
The Role of the CEO in Gender Equality Programs
Promoting gender diversity in the workplace is still a big issue today. Here is why executive buy-in is critical for the success of diversity and equality initiatives.
The Growth Of Women Owned Businesses
Here are some facts about the growth of women-owned businesses which I think you want to know. Are women really starting more businesses than men? What are the exact numbers of women entrepreneurs and what do these numbers tell us?
How To Improve Gender Equality In The Workplace
Whenever someone brings up the changes in the modern workplace that have taken place over the last few years, they seem to instantly become the target of anger from both men and women. Read how we can improve gender equality in the workplace to make it less hostile, more inclusive, and more equal.
What Does Real Leadership Look Like?
What does real leadership look like? Do we really know what makes an effective leader? Watch another #MusingWhileDriving video series and share your thoughts about what real leadership is.
How To Gain Respect From Men At Work
Men respect women who maintain strong boundaries and keep personal stuff confidential. Watch this video in my Musing While Driving Series to learn how you can gain a man’s respect at work.
We Need Solutions to End Gender Inequality
It’s about time to take action–now more than ever! Here are some facts on gender discrimination which proves that we need solutions to end gender equality.
Ending the Cycle of Executive Inequality
The need to end the cycle of executive inequality isn’t new. But recent data shows organizations unknowingly perpetuate the gender gap. This new eBook offers insight and advice on how learning and development programs can play a direct role in helping women rise.
Why Does Gender Equality Matter In The Modern World?
What’s the relevance of gender equality in the modern world? Because women want what men have always had— the right to make our own decisions.
How To Handle Disagreements
The threat was posted publicly on LinkedIn. It prompted me to think about what makes people so angry that they are compelled to post something this serious, and how to handle disagreements better instead.
The Values and Attributes of a Modern Day Leader
The values and attributes of a modern day leader must be a combination of these two extremes. Because at the end of the day, it’s not who you are that makes you a great leader – it’s what you DO. Read and watch it in the blog.
How Can Companies Support Women To Do Their Best?
Supporting women at work might seem like something we can take for granted in this post #MeToo age. We should be asking, “How can companies support women so they can perform at their best?”
The State of The American Workplace
Sixty-seven percent of Americans are NOT engaged in their jobs. Why are the overall numbers so bad? For answers, let’s look at some available data behind the men’s code, the women’s code, and the organizational code and how it all ties together in the blog.
The Future Is Female, And What That Really Means
The future is female because we are at a point in history where the question women have is simple: “Can you see who I am?” Let men be men and let women be women. Give each what each needs, as long as it is the equivalent. THAT’S BALANCE. That’s what we should aim for.